Complete Guide: Getting MLSR Rockets in Rust - Methods and Tips
MLSR Rockets are powerful explosive weapons in Rust used for raiding and long-range destruction. Here's how to obtain them:
Unlocking the Blueprint:
- Use Research Table with an existing MLSR Rocket (costs 500 Scrap)
- Unlock via Tech Tree at Level 3 Workbench
Required Materials per Rocket:
- 2 Explosives (requires 50 Sulfur, 30 Charcoal, 10 Metal Fragments each)
- 4 Metal Pipes
- 100 Gunpowder (requires 75 Sulfur, 30 Charcoal)
- 20 Low Grade Fuel (made from Animal Fat and Cloth)
Crafting Process:
- Gather all materials
- Access Level 3 Workbench
- Select MLSR Rockets from crafting menu
- Wait for crafting completion
Alternative Acquisition Methods:
Looting Locations:
- Military Crates (Launch Site, Military Tunnels, Oil Rig)
- Helicopter Crash sites
- Bradley APC drops
- Use in-game chat
- Find vending machines
- Trade with other players (exercise caution)
Success Tips:
- Focus on Sulfur farming
- Control high-tier monuments
- Build secure storage
- Work with a team for efficiency
Best Practices:
- Store rockets in well-fortified bases
- Farm resources consistently
- Maintain control of key monuments
- Coordinate with teammates for resource gathering

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