Is Counter-Strike 2 Free to Play? Complete Guide to CS2 Pricing
Counter-Strike 2 (CS2) is not a free-to-play game for all players. The pricing structure works differently depending on whether you already own CS:GO.
If you already own CS:GO and have Prime Status, you'll get CS2 completely free. Prime Status was previously available for purchase at $14.99 or earned through gameplay before CS:GO became free-to-play in 2018.
For new players who don't own CS:GO Prime Status, you'll need to purchase CS2 Prime Status for $14.99 to get full access to the game. This one-time purchase gives you:
- Access to all game modes - Ability to earn items and rewards - Matchmaking with other Prime Status players - Full access to all community features
I should mention that there's currently no free-to-play version of CS2, unlike its predecessor CS:GO which offered a limited free version. Valve has made it clear that CS2 requires Prime Status to play.
The $14.99 price point is consistent across all regions (with local currency adjustments), and there are no subscription fees or additional costs after the initial purchase. You only need to buy Prime Status once to get permanent access to the game.
It's worth noting that any items, skins, or inventory you had in CS:GO will transfer to CS2 if you already owned them. This includes Prime Status, so existing CS:GO Prime players don't need to make any additional purchases.
To summarize: CS2 is free only if you already own CS:GO Prime Status. New players must purchase Prime Status for $14.99 to play the game, and there is no free-to-play version available.
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