North Players Autograph Capsule - ELEAGUE Atlanta Major 2017
The Autograph Capsule | North | Atlanta 2017 contains a single autographed sticker from a North team player at the Atlanta 2017 tournament. 50% of all sales support the featured players and organizations.
Key Features:
- Can be applied to any weapon
- Scraping feature creates worn effects
- Multiple scrapes possible until removal
- Base Grade rarity (0% drop chance)
- Added to CS:GO on January 12th, 2017
Available Player Autographs:
- cajunb
- k0nfig
- Magisk
Price & Popularity:
- Current price: $16.58
- Popularity rating: 50th percentile
- Community rating: 4.63/5 stars (based on 118 votes)
The capsule provides fans with authentic player autographs while supporting professional CS:GO players and organizations. Each sticker can be customized through the scraping mechanic to achieve a preferred worn appearance.
Sticker North
Sealed Graffiti North
Sticker cajunb
Sticker MSL
Sticker k0nfig
Sticker Magisk
Sticker RUBINO